List of MeSH codes (G05)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "G" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
MeSH G05 --- genetic processes
- MeSH G05.315.095 --- chromatin assembly and disassembly
- MeSH G05.315.125 --- dosage compensation, genetic
- MeSH G05.315.125.970 --- x chromosome inactivation
- MeSH G05.315.200 --- down-regulation
- MeSH G05.315.203 --- epigenesis, genetic
- MeSH G05.315.207 --- epistasis, genetic
- MeSH G05.315.215 --- frameshifting, ribosomal
- MeSH G05.315.250 --- gene amplification
- MeSH G05.315.290 --- gene expression regulation, archaeal
- MeSH G05.315.300 --- gene expression regulation, bacterial
- MeSH G05.315.310 --- gene expression regulation, developmental
- MeSH G05.315.320 --- gene expression regulation, enzymologic
- MeSH G05.315.320.200 --- enzyme induction
- MeSH G05.315.320.300 --- enzyme repression
- MeSH G05.315.330 --- gene expression regulation, fungal
- MeSH G05.315.370 --- gene expression regulation, neoplastic
- MeSH G05.315.370.500 --- gene expression regulation, leukemic
- MeSH G05.315.375 --- gene expression regulation, plant
- MeSH G05.315.385 --- gene expression regulation, viral
- MeSH G05.315.410 --- gene silencing
- MeSH G05.315.410.790 --- rna interference
- MeSH G05.315.425 --- genomic imprinting
- MeSH G05.315.670 --- protein modification, translational
- MeSH G05.315.670.600 --- protein processing, post-translational
- MeSH G05.315.670.600.400 --- protein isoprenylation
- MeSH G05.315.670.600.700 --- protein splicing
- MeSH G05.315.700 --- rna processing, post-transcriptional
- MeSH G05.315.700.225 --- rna 3' end processing
- MeSH G05.315.700.225.710 --- polyadenylation
- MeSH G05.315.700.250 --- rna editing
- MeSH G05.315.700.700 --- rna splicing
- MeSH G05.315.700.700.100 --- alternative splicing
- MeSH G05.315.700.700.750 --- trans-splicing
- MeSH G05.315.800 --- trans-activation (genetics)
- MeSH G05.315.850 --- up-regulation
MeSH G05.330 --- gene rearrangement
- MeSH G05.330.401 --- gene rearrangement, b-lymphocyte
- MeSH G05.330.401.501 --- gene rearrangement, b-lymphocyte, heavy chain
- MeSH G05.330.401.501.450 --- immunoglobulin class switching
- MeSH G05.330.401.601 --- gene rearrangement, b-lymphocyte, light chain
- MeSH G05.330.801 --- gene rearrangement, t-lymphocyte
- MeSH G05.330.801.111 --- gene rearrangement, alpha-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G05.330.801.211 --- gene rearrangement, beta-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G05.330.801.261 --- gene rearrangement, delta-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G05.330.801.311 --- gene rearrangement, gamma-chain t-cell antigen receptor
MeSH G05.800 --- selection (genetics)
MeSH G05.865 --- sex determination (genetics)
MeSH G05.930 --- virus integration